الخميس، 9 يناير 2020

شلالات و نوافير الزجاج و الاكريليك Acrilic bubble fountains

 Transform Your Space with Stunning Glass Waterfalls and Bubble Walls – Handcrafted Elegance**

Are you looking to add a touch of sophistication and tranquility to your home, office, or commercial space? Look no further! Our **handcrafted glass waterfalls and bubble walls** are the perfect solution to elevate any environment. Whether you're an interior designer, a business owner, or a homeowner, our unique creations will captivate your senses and leave a lasting impression.

### What Are Glass Waterfalls and Bubble Walls?
**Glass waterfalls** and **bubble walls** are stunning architectural features that combine art, design, and nature. These pieces are made from high-quality glass and are designed to create a mesmerizing flow of water or bubbles, providing a calming and visually appealing experience. They are perfect for creating a focal point in any space, adding both aesthetic value and a sense of serenity.

### Why Choose Our Glass Waterfalls and Bubble Walls?
1. **Custom Designs**: Every piece we create is tailored to your specific needs. Whether you want a modern, minimalist design or something more elaborate, we’ve got you covered.
2. **Premium Quality**: We use only the finest materials to ensure durability and a flawless finish.
3. **Eco-Friendly**: Our waterfalls and bubble walls are designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
4. **Versatility**: Perfect for homes, offices, hotels, spas, restaurants, and retail spaces.

### Benefits of Adding a Glass Waterfall or Bubble Wall to Your Space
- **Aesthetic Appeal**: Transform any room into a luxurious and inviting space.
- **Relaxation**: The soothing sound of flowing water or bubbles creates a peaceful atmosphere.
- **Air Quality**: Water features can help humidify and purify the air in your space.
- **Increased Property Value**: Unique design elements like these can enhance the overall value of your property.

### How We Create Our Glass Waterfalls and Bubble Walls
Our process is simple yet meticulous:
1. **Consultation**: We work closely with you to understand your vision and requirements.
2. **Design**: Our team of skilled designers creates a custom blueprint for your piece.
3. **Crafting**: Using state-of-the-art techniques, we bring your design to life.
4. **Installation**: We handle the entire installation process, ensuring a seamless experience.

### Popular Uses for Glass Waterfalls and Bubble Walls
- **Residential Spaces**: Add a touch of elegance to your living room, garden, or patio.
- **Commercial Spaces**: Create a welcoming ambiance in lobbies, waiting areas, or conference rooms.
- **Wellness Centers**: Enhance the calming atmosphere of spas, yoga studios, or meditation rooms.
- **Restaurants and Cafes**: Impress your guests with a unique and Instagram-worthy feature.

### Ready to Elevate Your Space?
If you’re ready to transform your space with a **custom glass waterfall or bubble wall**, we’re here to help! Contact us today to discuss your ideas and get a free quote. Let us bring your vision to life with our handcrafted, one-of-a-kind designs.


- Glass waterfalls
- Bubble walls
- Custom water features
- Handcrafted glass designs
- Interior design water features
- Luxury home decor
- Commercial space decor
- Eco-friendly water walls
- Water feature installation
نوافير و شلالات الزجاج
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Bubble waterfalls 

شلال اكريليك

Bubble wall  decoration
Bubble wall

شلال زجاجي
Glass wall waterfall

Bubble wall
Bubble wall separation panel between two rooms

Bubble wall at the back of villa stairs
Bubble wall back of view of stairs 

Bubble wall with logo
Bubble wall for offices

Bubble wall decoration panel
Bubble wall decoration panel

شلال اكريليك
Bubble wall decoration panel

#شلالات ونوافير #شلالات_حديثة #شلالات_منزلية_للحدائق #شلالات_مودرن #شلالات_نوافير #نوافير_جدارية #نوافير_حديثة #نوافير_منزلية #نوافير_حدائق #نوافير_مضيئه #نوافير_شلالات #نوافير_رخام #اشكال_نوافير #اشكال_شلالات_جدارية #اشكال_شلالات_صناعية #اشكال_شلالات_فخمه #اشكال_شلالات_منزلية #نافورة_مضيئة #نافورة_جدارية #نافورة_منزلية #نافورات_مضيئه #نافورات_للحدائق #نافورة_زجاجية #شلال_زجاج #شلال_زجاجي #شلال_حجر #شلال_جداري #شلال_صناعي #شلال_اكريليك #مصنع_نوافير #مصنع_شلالات #شركة_نوافير  #شركة_شلالات_نوافير
 شلال زجاج فخم للفنادق والمطاعم و الفيلات 

شلال زجاج مرايا إضافة مثالية داخل المنزل

شلال زجاج مرايا باطار من الخشب
شلال زجاج مرايا

برجولات سكاى لايت The skylight Pergolas

مميزات برجولات سكاى لاي· نسبه شفافيه عاليه للضوء الخارجي بالنسبه للالواح الشفافه حتى 95 %· ضد الكسر تماما بخلاف الزجاج والواح الاكريلك· لايتأثر بالتغيرات المناخيه من 40 درجة تحت الصفر حتى160 درجة مئوية· ثبات درجات الوانه وعدم تغيرها مدى الحياة· مغطى بطبقه عازله (UV ) للاشعه فوق البنفسجيه واشعه الشمس· ضد الكسر تماما حيث انه يتحمل الضغوط العاليه والصدمات القوي· مقاوم للاحتراق ولا يساعد على الاشتعال طبقا للمواصفات والمعايير الدوليه· خفيف الوزن مقارنه بالزجاج· ضمان عشر سنوات ضد الكسر وتغير اللون والتأثر بالتغييرات المناخيةيستخدم في تقسيم الغرف فى المكاتب والبنوك والمستشفيات والشركات ... إلخ كبديل للجدران .نرجو التواصل على واتس اب  01115144468

عرض خاص علي اسعار البرجولات الخشبية فقط علي رابط صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك  شرط ضغط علامة لايك 

Multi-wall glazing panels  is the ultimate product designed for any transparent or translucent outdoor application. They are produced in a variety of thicknesses, each with its own set of specifications and values.
These products provide many advantages, besides looking nice, its an attractive and budget minded alternative for  a number of outdoor glazing applications. The most favorable consideration is the flexibility, easy to work with, virtually unbreakable, light weight, relatively inexpensive compared to glass, weather resistant, flame retardant, thermal insulating, high temperature resistance, high impact strength (hail resistance) transparent visibility, and can be special ordered with a special coating which eliminates condensation and water droplets.

    مميزات الواح البولي كربونيت 
    · نسبه شفافيه عاليه للضوء الخارجي بالنسبه للالواح الشفافه حتى 95 %
    · ضد الكسر تماما بخلاف الزجاج والواح الاكريلك
    · لايتأثر بالتغيرات المناخيه من 40 درجة تحت الصفر حتى160 درجة مئوية
    · ثبات درجات الوانه وعدم تغيرها مدى الحياة
    · مغطى بطبقه عازله (UV ) للاشعه فوق البنفسجيه واشعه الشمس
    · ضد الكسر تماما حيث انه يتحمل الضغوط العاليه والصدمات القويه
    · مقاوم للاحتراق ولا يساعد على الاشتعال طبقا للمواصفات والمعايير الدوليه
    · خفيف الوزن مقارنه بالزجاج
    · سهوله تركيبه ومرونتة لتشكيله على البارد
    · ضمان عشر سنوات ضد الكسر وتغير اللون والتأثر بالتغييرات المناخيه
    الاستخدامات الشائعه للالواح البولى كربونيت
    · تجليد البوابات والاسوار والنوافذ للمنازل والفيلات والقصور كبديل جيد للزجاج
    · التغطيات السماويه ( سكاى لايت بجميع اشكاله من قباب واهرامات ومظلات )
    · تغطيات حمامات السباحة والملاعب مما يسمح بالخصوصيه
    · تغطيات الصوبات الزراعيه
    · امكانيه اعادة تشكيله تحت درجات حرارة عاليه لعمل كشافات الانارة
    · عمل ديكورات داخل المنازل والمكاتب ( هاى لايت )
    · يستخدم في تقسيم الغرف فى المكاتب والبنوك والمستشفيات والشركات ... إلخ كبديل للجدران
    · يدخل فى صناعات الاثاث المنزلى والمكتبى كبديل عملى وجيد للزجاج والاكريلك

Alucobond cladding, UPVC , Aluminum windows,tempered glass.

Alucobond is a high quality Aluminium Composite Panel which is highly popular in the signage industry. ACM is a low density polyethylene core sandwiched between two aluminium sheets. It’s durable, lightweight, comes in a range of colours and is absolutely ideal for most signage or display requirements
تجليد المبانى السكنية و التجارية بالواح كلادنج للاستفسار نرجو الاتصال واتس اب 01068249333

UPVC windows & Doors
يو بى فى سى شبابيك و ابواب
01115144468 - 01068249333

More and more modern housing projects are installing uPVC doors and windows. uPVC is the general abbreviation for un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride. This works as an extremely suitable material generally used for doors, windows, and pipelines these days.
One important point when using uPVC in the construction of doors and windows is covering it over a core made up of galvanized steel, and this galvanized steel makes uPVC much stronger and firmer.

uPVC is broadly used because it’s not simply damaged by environmental condition changes unlike materials like wood and also the better part regarding it is it lasts longer with no such repairs required.
If you would like to enhance your home then fit uPVC doors.

There are many benefits of utilizing uPVC Doors and Windows :

  • It provides complete insulation by maintaining the temperatures as it keeps cold outside and warmth inside and inversely in winters.
  • uPVC doors are hygienic as they keep dust particles, wind, rain, etc. outside.
  • Leading multipoint locking systems in uPVC doors help to achieve a higher level of security.  
  • uPVC doors require less maintenance like painting or sanding as there is no effect of warping on it.
  • The uPVC doors are environment-friendly as they are made from recyclable material.
  • uPVC doors come in different sizes with different styles and colors to meet the individual needs.
  • The uPVC doors are not easily affected by environmental changes and natural elements.
  • It is easy to clean the uPVC doors.
  • uPVC doors are the perfect sonic insulators as they do not allow the sounds from surroundings to come in and keeps the privacy by keeping the indoor noise inside.
  • Complete protection from pests as uPVC doors are resistant to pest attacks.
  • They are complete air seals as the joints are completely soldered and any other gaps are sealed by sealing strips. This increases efficiency and thus add ons to the energy-saving quality of the product.
  • The uPVC doors have anti-aging property.
To total this up, it is also necessary to notice that uPVC doors add worth to your home.
Contact us for your next project   WhatsApp 01068249333 - 01115144468

Commercial Double Glass Waterproof Aluminium Profile Used Sliding Glass Doors

Aluminum sliding doors series are designed for Commercial and Residential applications. Our goal is to offer you a complete door system that includes the tempered glass, IG units, spandrel, and laminated glass.Top Aluminum has one purpose and that's to be your one stop shop.
Top Aluminum sliding door systems, the top rolling and bottom rolling doors are high performing multi slide doors for exterior use in low and medium rise applications. We are a very unique fabricator because we can supply you with fully glazed fabricated products. All you have to do is send us your aluminum dimensions and we will take care of the rest. Our system features multi plane, multi leaf sliding doors for exterior use as primary slider or pocket sliding applications. Designed to accept insulated glass, spandrel, reflective, Low e or monolithic tempered glass.
These systems are compatible with aluminum entrance doors, all glass entrance doors, storefront systems and our curtain wall application.
Contact us
Contact: Sameh Hassan
Mobile: +2 01068249333
WhatsApp: 002 01068249333 - 01115144468
E-mail: samehhassan75@gmail.com

Contact: Mohamed Hamed Shaker
WhatsApp +201222278525

Tempered & laminated glass
 زجاج سكريت و لاميناتد
                   01115144468 - 01068249333

  • Safety glass is for all kinds of projects from patio furniture and shower doors to business storefronts. There are two different break-resistant solutions: laminated glass and tempered glass.
    Both can be excellent options for home, business and auto owners looking to increase the safety and security of their glass – but it depends on the application.
    Read on to learn more about the best applications for laminated and tempered glass.

    What Makes Glass “Safety Glass”

    Safety glass can be defined as a type of glass that is manufactured through processes designed to make it less likely to break. When safety glass does break, it is designed to be less likely to cause harm to those who accidentally crash through it or have to clean up the mess.
    Safety glass is manufactured in several ways. This post will focus on two of the most common types of safety glass: laminated glass and tempered glass.

    What Is Laminated Glass

    Laminated glass is a type of safety glass that is made of two or more panes of annealed glass joined together by a layer of plastic, or polyvinyl butyral (PVB). You can think of this joining as creating a glass sandwich (glass, plastic, glass). Some types of laminated glass are made with multiple layers (think of these as a laminated glass layer cake).

    Laminated glass features:
    • The plastic portion of laminated glass may be clear or tinted.
    • Laminated glass aids in the screening of UV radiation.
    • Laminated glass is beneficial for soundproofing.
    One of the biggest benefits of laminated glass is that if it does break, the broken glass will stick to the plastic rather than falling to the floor.
    Common uses of laminated glass:
    • Skylights
    • Automobile windshields
    • Glass railings, glass facades and glass floors

    What Is Tempered Glass

    Tempered glass is a type of safety glass manufactured with the aid of heat or chemicals used to strengthen the glass. This process is sometimes referred to as “tempering.” Tempered glass can be up to four times stronger than typical annealed glass of the same size and thickness.
    Other benefits of tempered glass:
    • More tensile strength (it can bend easier without breaking)
    • Wind resistance
    • If it breaks, tempered glass shatters into rounded cubes rather than pointy shards
    Tempered glass is commonly used in big windows, skyscrapers, automotive glass, monitor screens (on computers or phones) and in-home appliances.

    Laminated vs. Tempered Glass Uses

    As we’ve discussed, there are situations where it may be preferable to choose laminated or tempered glass. In general:
    • If you’re looking for security, choose laminated glass. Laminated glass is especially useful for commercial glass. The extra layer of vinyl, or plastic, between the panes creates a barrier that’s difficult to break through, thus keeping your business safe from intruders and harsh weather.
    • If you’re looking for safe interior glass, choose tempered glass. Tempered glass is a perfect glass application for inside your home. Applications include glass for tub and shower doors. It’s easy to clean and often cheaper than laminated solutions.